Every year, I attempt to complete the Advent of Code.
It’s a series of programming challenges that gives me an opportunity excise my coding ability in new and unique ways.
This year, I used Swift Package Manager and command line apps to solve each day. The solutions can be found on my
GitHub page.
As per tradition with Advent of Code, I’ve visualized some of my solutions. I used a combination of
and AVFoundation to render,
encode, and mux the results. All of this is contained within my Animator class.
Painting the hull of a space shipThe effects of gravity on Jupiter's moonsPlaying Breakout with a custom IntCode languageA repair droid exploringTraversing a multi-dimensional maze
Score Card 2.2 has been released, bringing support for iOS 13 and Dark Mode. The app has received an
overall polish, and the player selection screen has been cleaned up to be intuitive. Rows can be selected to be cleared
or deleted.
Formula Control 2.1 has been released, with support for iOS 13 and Dark Mode. Under the hood, it has
transitioned to using Swift Package Manager for it its third-party dependencies.
In preparation for iOS 13, tvOS 13, & macOS 10.15, I’ve released Restructure 2.0.0. The major change for
this release is the move to Swift Package Manager for distribution. All of the Apple ecosystem is moving to SPM,
and so goes Restructure. No more submodules!
This release also adds some additions mentioned in the WWDC 2019 session Optimizing Storage in Your
App. Journal and vacuum modes can now be modified to better manage your storage usage. Secure
deletion has is also configurable.